Kitchen Hero is a general My Hero Academia cookbook/fanzine which will feature recipes, writing, art, and merchandise!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a zine?
A zine or fanzine is a small-circulation, self-published work of original writings and/or arts. In our case, it would be fan published.
What is this zine about?
Kitchen Hero is a fanmade My Hero Academia themed cookbook. The recipes will have the spotlight, though the project will also feature art, writing, and merchandise!
How many writers, artists, and chefs will be accepted?
We are looking to accept about 10 chefs, 7 writers, 20 artists, and 4 merchandise artists.
Can I apply if I’m under 18?
Yes, you can apply if you’re under 18, though you cannot receive monetary compensation due to labor laws. For monetary compensation, you must be 18 years or older.
How will contributors be compensated?
All contributors, regardless of age, will be compensated with a full bundle of the zine and all merchandise included, if sales allow. If sales don’t allow, contributors will be able to purchase the items at production cost.
Where will the rest of the proceeds go?
Kitchen Hero is a for-profit project, which means that all proceeds remaining after the zines and merchandise have been produced, the packages have been shipped, and all contributors have been compensated with a bundle, will be split amongst all contributors and moderators that are of age. The profit will be split equally between all participants that are able to receive monetary compensation.
What are artists required to do?
Each artist must send at least one full sized, full-colored illustration, 300dpi, in CMYK. Backgrounds are required. There will also be an option to create extra half-page or spot illustrations. These follow the same requirements.
What are writers required to do?
Each writer is required to write a piece between 2k and 3k words relating to the theme of the zine.
What are chefs required to do?
Each chef is required to create two to three recipes relating to the My Hero Academia universe. We would prefer it if you are able to test your recipes at home, though it is not required.
What are merch artists required to do?
Each merch artist will create at least two pieces of merchandise relating to the theme of the zine. More pieces can be made after discussing with the moderators.
Is traditional art allowed?
Definitely! Please make sure you can provide a clean, high quality scan of your work if this is what you choose. Scanning in 600dpi or higher is advised.
Can I submit an older art piece for the zine?
Unfortunately, no. You must create a new piece that is unpublished.
Can I post WIPs or post the final piece?
Not right away. We ask that contributors wait until after all zines and zine bundles have been shipped to post their pieces to their personal social media accounts. However, In the weeks building up to pre-orders, we will be posting sneak peeks of the works on the official Kitchen Hero Zine Twitter.

Contributor Content Guidelines
• We are looking to recruit ≈10 chefs
• Each chef is expected to create 2 to 3 recipes
• Recipes must relate to the My Hero Academia universe
• We hope to create a diversity in recipes, considering food as well as dietary restrictive options (think vegan/lactose/gluten free). It is not a requirement that you are able to create such recipes, though it is very much preferred.
• There will be five food sections: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks.
• We are looking to recruit ≈20 artists
• Each artist is expected to create at least one full sized illustration to be paired with a recipe. Half-sized illustrations and spot illustrations are optional.
• The illustration must relate to the My Hero Academia universe and the recipe that the artist will be paired up with.
• There will be three types of artists: cover artist, section break artists, and page artists.
• We are looking to recruit ≈7 writers
• Each writer is expected to write one piece between 2k and 3k words
• Writers will be divided among the five food sections: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks. The piece must relate to the section the writer will be paired with.
Merch Artists:
• We are looking to recruit ≈4 merch artists
• Each merch artist is expected to create at least two pieces of merch.
• Extra merch options will be discussed.
• The merch items must relate to the My Hero Academia universe and to the food theme.